This I believe

This I believe

Cole Dubas
English 1


Responsibility is the one thing that keeps our society busy. We all have responsibilities or at least should have. Either around the neighborhood, at work, or at school,we all have chores that keep our personalities in check. Without dedication to our jobs and all of our responsibilities nothing would be accomplished in a country, developed or not. My position is school that’s my number one responsibility, without succeeding I wouldn’t be anywhere and I would set up a bad life for myself. What I mean by this is I need a good education to have the job that I want.
I have had plenty of responsibilities in my life, but one that sticks to me is mowing at my house. I am not paid to do this, but at least I am able to relax outside instead of being stuck inside doing chores such as cleaning all the floors. Since I mow the lawn I keep it in good shape, but if no one in my family decided they wanted to care for the yard or the house then none of us would grow. Yes, even adults can grow especially through work. Someone has to do their job, if no one did then our country might not be developed completely because then many people would be lazy. To make all of this more clear, we all could be very talented at math, sports, astronomy but if no one decided to take that position we won’t grow as an economy. Responsibilities keep our lives straight, and without them we couldn’t succeed.
Everyone has heard that elders are so wise or are very mature. This is absolutely false, even as an 80 year old you can still be a kid. I think our society today is, to be honest fairly idiotic because I feel like we haven’t gone anywhere. All I hear today are kids who are always on their phones and we all know this is true, but what can we do about it. I think we always say something but never progress that thought, it just ends. Yes, us kids are irresponsible but so is everyone else that’s why we haven’t accomplished anything. This is very generic, but kids don’t have many responsibilities is what I’m trying to say. Also what I mean by we haven’t accomplished much is, look at us and North Korea all I see are two childish countries fighting over nothing and they need to be more mature. I mean look at Trump tweeting, and all the fake news too. I can’t tell what is real on the news anymore, I mean why lie? I understand important conversations with the society on media, but I think we all agree to not overdue it. Also as a kid I still enjoy looking at the news and I tend to look for the facts not made up news.
I stay at school to show others how we can accomplish what no one else has. All generations can fight, we can all slack off, but what will this accomplish? Short answer, nothing. Long answer, responsibilities are what make breakthroughs, they are what mature you, and are what turn an underdeveloped country into a fully developed country. We can sit or we can strive, we can always say but not always act. Let’s change society, let’s show how we can succeed and accomplish greatness.

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